At age five, 1954, "the Bishop" (Chicago's Cardinal Stritch) stood over me and said, I had to "stop babbling" about what the priest did to me. It took me 40 years to talk about it again. Today, I babble.

Moving to City of Angels 8

In 2010, City of Angels will move to its next step: "Action" at City of Angels 8 We are on hiatus until January 15th.

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Also by Kay Ebeling: Read Sunset Boulevard, work in progress at City of Angels 2
This site is copyrighted by my statement. Kay Ebeling

Friday, September 25, 2009

The attorney who defends Catholic pedophile priests in Los Angeles, Donald Steier, does not want me to put his picture up in a post. So we are only going to post pictures of parts of Donald Steier here.

He says he's afraid one of the crime victims will come after him with a gun. He should know most the victims absorbed the message of the Church, much moreso than the perpetrators, or the bishops who pay his fees today. A lot of us survivors do become enraged, but the crimes we commit are usually victimless, or the damages inflicted are only on ourselves.

Still to assuage Steier's fears, we are only going to show parts of Donald Steier:

At right Donald Steier's head.
At right, Donald Steier's tie.


Attorneys for two Archdioceses, Maria Roberts for Bihops Robert Brom of San Diego and Lee Potts for Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, confer outside L.A. Superior Court Tues. September 22, 2009.

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