At age five, 1954, "the Bishop" (Chicago's Cardinal Stritch) stood over me and said, I had to "stop babbling" about what the priest did to me. It took me 40 years to talk about it again. Today, I babble.

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In 2010, City of Angels will move to its next step: "Action" at City of Angels 8 We are on hiatus until January 15th.

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Also by Kay Ebeling: Read Sunset Boulevard, work in progress at City of Angels 2
This site is copyrighted by my statement. Kay Ebeling

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Church appeals New Trial order in Santillan vs. Bishop of Fresno

The church filed an appeal of the order for a new trial in Fresno Superior Court July 10th in Santillan vs. Bishop of Fresno, where after the trial in March, a jury found Monsignor Anthony Herdegen did indeed molest the Santillan brothers, but the Diocese did not know the crimes were taking place, so there was not "prior notice."

From the Fresno Superior Court Case Summaries: "Civil Cross-Appeal, Notice of Appeal, filed by: The Roman Catholic Bishop of Fresno on 07/10/09. Date of Judgment/Order:06/12/09 Judicial Officer: Donald S. Black. (mailed on 07/13/09)."

The motion for a new trial for the younger Santillan brother was passed June 12th after a new witness came forward, and parties met yesterday with Judge Black for a status conference, but no date was set for the second trial.

Because the Church has appealed.

More to come later, after I finish work on my "real" job, funny, today I'm working on interviews about the rock band Black Sabbath. . .

We have some Wow-ser quotes related to this Fresno case, plus other interesting stuff to post later ... as soon as can break away.

Read background by clicking headline below linking to June 24 post:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Diocese, the Bishop, and the School are separate entities and other fiction by church attorneys in Santillan vs. Bishop of Fresno

*By Kay Ebeling
Creator, City of Angels Blog

One more post here about the Fresno case, for which a new trial was granted June 12th....

1 comment:

QuantaCura01 said...

Bishop Steinbock id appealing the revelation of truth? How can this man look at himself in the mirror every morning? Mahony is involved in this, so i am sure Mahony's bow tied attorneys are in control of this opaeration as it is far to great for John Steinbock and his inner circle to handle. The documents posted here appear to show more than the Santillian brothers were victims and it does appear Mahony, Steinbock et all knew about this. Money is more important than the truth to Steinbock and Mahony. God help us.