By Kay Ebeling
Medical Exams of freshmen by Friars for "undescended testicles"
Part 3 of the Santa Barbara Story, is below. Also we are running reruns from last week for clarification. Some readers balked and misunderstood about the therapy funds available for victims announced here a few days ago. It is Not money that comes from the Church, the funds come from plaintiffs in the Santa Barbara 2006 settlements. They donated and created a trust fund for other victims who need therapy. Also, the Ash Wednesday 2010 Day of Silence announced a few days ago here is to raise funds for people in Canada who are going to Rome to "storm the Vatican" in April 2010. Both stories are rerun below for clarification, but first, from Santa Barbara.
The author of City of Angels is slammed at work, had planned to write an evocative drama based on these Santa Barbara court documents, but I have to work overtime all this week on my "real" job. So instead here at City of Angels we are copy and pasting from the legal documents, exactly as filed: I am not making this stuff up. The following, except for occasional offset comments by CityofA, all the way to the line of asterisks (***) is direct quotes from: First Amended Complaint for Damages and Relief, Case Number 1338070 filed in Santa Barbara Superior Court November 3, 2009.
As to Gus Krumm, long before the Franciscans assigned him to St. Anthony’s Seminary he and another notorious Franciscan perpetrator, Father Philip Wolfe, contracted the sexually transmitted disease known as "crabs" while doing field work as novices (training to become Franciscans). The source of the crabs were adolescent boys Wolfe and Krumm encountered who, according to Krumm, were willing to do anything for money.
And according to Krumm, Wolfe contracted not only crabs but other sexually transmitted diseases from these adolescent boys, prompting Wolfe’s and Krumm’s novice master (also a Franciscan) to lecture both men angrily and repeatedly with regards to the sexual promiscuity with these boys that resulted in Wolfe and Krumm contracting crabs.

At Right,
Gus Krumm, looking like a hot dude
Complaint Document Continued:
Thus, long before the Franciscans hired Krumm and Wolfe and assigned them to work at St. Anthony’s, the Franciscans knew both Perpetrators had been sexually involved with adolescent boys. Despite this knowledge the Franciscans assigned both Perpetrators to work with adolescent boys, including Craig (Plaintiff), doing nothing to stop the contact or to warn Craig.
Medical Exams: The Friar Tucks Up Your Scrotum
Part of the Freshman Experience at St. Anthony's Seminary, Santa Barbara
Case #1338070 Complaint, cont'd:
Finally, with regards to physical examinations of students, during either the 1964-65 or 1965-66 school year, the Franciscans not only authorized such examinations but authorized them by Father Mario Cimmarrusti –a man with no medical training who was one of the most prolific Franciscan perpetrators in the history of this scandal.
Cimmarrusti had expressed "concern" during a faculty meeting that some students appeared not to be developing normally, and had undescended testicles.
No Franciscan questioned how Cimmarrusti gained such knowledge.
Cimmarrusti then told the faculty, including Fr. Xavier Harris, that other signs a student was not developing normally included undeveloped sexual organs, lack of pubic hair, softness or femininity, or no changes to a student’s voice. He then proposed a program to the faculty wherein he would perform an initial assessment of freshmen students to determine if they were exhibiting any of these so called signs.
Despite the fact Cimmarrusti had no medical training, the fact the rector (who had worked at other high schools prior to St. Anthony’s) had never heard of such a program, and the fact St. Anthony’s applicants were required to submit proof of a complete physical exam by an actual physician, the St. Anthony’s Franciscan faculty, including rector Father Xavier Harris, approved this program.

At Left, Krumm and Cimmarrusti, from Google Images, from Santa Barbara News-Press
Complaint Document continued:
Even worse, they approved the program without any understanding as to how Cimmarrusti would perform these so-called "assessments." The Franciscans’ uninformed consent in this regard was especially egregious given that the initial assessment proposed by Cimmarrusti included factors which by necessity required assessing each student’s testicles and pubic hair.
Asseessing each freshman boy's teticles and pubic hair! By a friar with no medical training, just a later proved proclivity for little boys, See Maria Cimmarrusti in the database under C at bishopaccountability
Thus, Cimmarrusti’s Franciscan-sanctioned sexual assaults of new seminarians commenced, and by at least 1966 the Franciscans began receiving reports that Cimmarrusti was sexually abusing students during these supposed examinations.
A number of future Franciscan perpetrators – including Robert Van Handel, Dave Johnson and Gus Krumm – were St. Anthony’s students while Cimmarrusti was committing his Franciscan-sanctioned assaults. At least one of them – Van Handel – continued Cimmarrusti’s tradition and was present at the start of a similar assault against Craig fifteen years after the Franciscans first approved Cimmarrusti’s supposed program.
Only changes we made in document quotes above were to break it into smaller paragraphs for graphic purposes and adding first names, when the doc references names that had been given earlier.
Part 4 will be posted by the end of this week.
Part 2 is here
Part 1 is here
PROOF: Santa Barbara was Dumping Ground for problem priests. PROOF: Franciscan sex crime ploys continue in 2009
.By Kay EbelingPart One: The bishop of San Diego used the words "dumping ground" in 1950 when he complained to Rome that too many problem priests were ending up in Banning, Beaumont and other towns in the developing region. By the 1960s the Franciscans had moved 26 priests from San Diego to Santa Barbara, where
Monday, November 23, 2009
New sex crime ploy of Franciscans: Only take pedophilia reports in Confession then claim religious privilege: Plus a Phoenix-Santa Barbara connection
.By Kay Ebeling
Part 2: A parishioner walks into Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Church in Orange County saying he wants to talk about a predator priest. He tells the Franciscan Father Michael Harvey he wants to discuss Gus Krumm. The parishioner barely gets the name Krumm out of his mouth when ...
2 Reruns,
as they need clarification as
Some people think the therapy announced below is being paid for by the Church. No this money comes out of the 2006 Santa Barbara plantiffs' settlements and wise investment. Last Friday this was buried in the middle of all the Irish stories being released:
Money is available for pedophile priest crime victims who need therapy, through Therapy Trust for Victims in Santa Barbara.
Ray Higgins called from Santa Barbara to say, "We have right now enough money in Therapy Trust for Victims' fund for nine or ten more persons to get therapy, so we're getting the word out nationally."
Priest sex crime victims in Santa Barbara pooled funds after receiving settlements in 2006 and created a trust to help other pedophile priest sex crime victims get therapy. Currently because of sound money management, the fund has money available for about nine more people to get an estimated two years of therapy. Contact Ray Higgins at: Therapy Trust for Victims of Clergy Sex Abuse for an application.
Therapy Trust for Victims still has money because it wrote financial sanity into its founding papers. Higgins told me, "The terms of the trust say we can only invest in FDIC insured accounts, not bonds or stocks or any risk investments."
The following is from the Trust, in their own words:
There are hundreds of victims of molestation by Roman Catholic clergy that have not been able to receive any therapy from the Church and have not received a monetary settlement. A vast majority of these are in dire need of therapy but are unable to afford it. Most have been so severely affected by what happened to them that they suffer from many ailments such as low self esteem, anxiety, paranoia, relationship problems, etc.
Many were never able to put their lives together enough to finish their education and therefore are limited to low paying jobs and long periods of unemployment. Some are unable to hold down a job and have been on welfare or unemployment for so long that they are no longer considered employable.
The purpose of this trust is to provide victims the help they need so that they can lead normal lives again. Although there are many needs, the trust feels that the most pressing need and the one that has the most potential for accomplishing that purpose is to pay for therapy for as many as possible.
Recognizing that there are many other needs, we feel that the limited funds available can be put to the best use by paying for therapy for as many as possible.
Our goal is to make the application and approval process as non intrusive as possible while at the same time assuring that the funds are used to the best advantage by those who receive them. Many have approached their respective dioceses in an attempt to obtain help, only to be re-victimized.
Some dioceses have stated that they have changed their policy and will provide therapy for victims who ask for it but most of those who have been re-victimized are afraid to approach their diocese because they had such a painful experience in the past.
Ash Wednesday Day of Silence is For:
Survivors of violence in Catholic institutions are uniting across borders to converge on Rome and the Vatican this April 2010.
To break the silence imposed on them, and the crimes of the church. Project starts with an International Day of Silence on Ash Wednesday February 17, 2010.
Remember this date:
Ash Wednesday,
February 17, 2010
Some Canadians are organizing an international project to stop religious terrorism and bring to justice the killers of children, and the project includes a Day of Silence Ash Wednesday February 17, 2010.
"The only reason I'm still alive is because I know people care about what happened to me, and will stand beside me when I face the ones who tortured me," says Bingo, survivor of Catholic Indian Residential Schools, Vancouver, Canada
Report from Canada: Survivors of violence in Catholic institutions are uniting across borders to converge on Rome and the Vatican this April 2010 to break the silence imposed on them, and the crimes of the church.
You can be of direct moral and practical help to these courageous men and women by taking a vow of silence on February 17, 2010 in order to stand in solidarity with them and all those who are silenced by churches and governments - and offer them material support.
The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), a network of survivors of Christian Indian Residential Schools in Canada, and their allies in Italy, Ireland and the United States, are asking people of conscience everywhere to remain silent on that day and acquire pledges for their effort.
The funds raised from these sponsors will be used to pay the travel costs of survivors of Catholic Indian residential schools who will confront the Pope and Vatican officials in Rome during April of 2010.The FRD is asking seven things of the Vatican:
1. Repatriate for a proper burial the remains of all children who died in Catholic boarding schools, churches, orphanages and other institutions.
2. Surrender those responsible for these deaths and open the Vatican archives for inspection.
3. Revoke papal laws which condone and legitimate conquest, rape and murder, including the Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Catera (1493).
4. Revoke the Vatican policy - established by the present Pope - of concealing evidence of violence against children in Catholic churches and of silencing the perpetrator and the victim.
5. Return all lands taken from indigenous people by the church.
6. Pay back to the victims all the wealth made for the church off the labor of children and others in Catholic institutions.
7. Appear before an international war crimes Tribunal to answer charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.
A public vigil in memory of the children who died at the hands of the church, held outside the Vatican on October 11, has forced senior church officials to agree to meet with FRD representatives in April to discuss these demands.
Thus, your support during this crucial period leading up to April is especially needed.
Ash Wednesday is traditionally a time for repentance and transformation. Help us make this year the time when the church will actually repent from its crimes, be held accountable for mass murder, and stop violating the innocent.
Contact Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared, at the address below.
contact Hidden From History by postal mail:
Kevin Annett
The Elders Council of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared
c/o 260 Kennedy St.
Nanaimo, B.C. Canada V9R 2H8
You may also undergo the silence and then pledge your own donation to us. Make this day an important teaching moment for your friends and neighbours!Please contact us directly for how you can be of help, at 250-753-3345.
In memory of more than 50,000 children who died in Canadian Indian Residential Schools
Read the original story: full story about the Hidden From History proect:
I'm off to work on Scream Queens Season Two, no it does not mean there will be a Saw VII. The Reality Show Scream Queens was a big success last year, even I liked it, a bigger success than the movie they were casting with the show... So they are casting "another horror film from DreamWorks" with this season of Scream Queens. You didn't hear it here first...
Don't forget the PayPal High Five Campaign. After each post we pass the hat using Donate buttons on the left. That's how this works
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