At age five, 1954, "the Bishop" (Chicago's Cardinal Stritch) stood over me and said, I had to "stop babbling" about what the priest did to me. It took me 40 years to talk about it again. Today, I babble.

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Video from Ireland:


The Way the Catholic Church has responded to its sex crimes has caused me to begin to lose my belief in everything the Catholic Church has delivered,

Including the story of Christ. That's the result of their criminal activity, people are becoming totally turned off to Christianity in total, as after all, it started in the Catholic Church.

I posted this on November 29, 2009, edited a bit here:

Nothing out of the church the last two decades concerning our pedophile priest claims makes sense

The Church often responds by offering to send the victims to Therapy. The bishops are the ones who are sick perverts who didn't recognize sodomy of a six year old is wrong, not us, the crime victims.

Why is the Catholic Church so reverent and faithful towards psychology as the solution to this problem? Isn't that a little bit secular?

It makes a Christian victim truly question the truth about everything that has ever come out of the church, including the story of Christ.

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