Blog 0911 November 2009
On November 16, 2009, Cardinal George told the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting in Baltimore.
"There are some who would like to trap the church in historical events of ages long past, and there are others who would keep the bishops permanently imprisoned in the clerical sexual abuse scandal of recent years," George said. "The proper response to a crisis of governance, however, is not no governance but effective governance.
"The clerical ranks have been purged of priests and bishops known to have abused children" and said that whatever the sins of those abusers, they "cannot be allowed to discredit the truth of Catholic teaching."
The National Survivors Advocates Coalition (NSAC) calls upon Catholics in the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT and throughout the country to be actively vigilant regarding the release of documents that the diocese fought up to and including a request for a hearing from the United States Supreme Court.
Let us remember that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles settlement in 2007 included a provision for the release of documents. This release has yet to be fulfilled.
The same is true in the Diocese of San Diego where full disclosure of documents is still not complete.
Let us not go the way of Los Angeles and San Diego where promises become vapors.
We believed in years past that all as well with matters of our church resting solely in the hands of hierarchs. We have learned that children were raped and sodomized while the priest perpetrators of these heinous crimes were protected by the hierarchy and moved to unsuspecting parishes and their crimes were never reported to the police.
In the same way that we cannot be complacent about the hierarchy, we cannot take for granted that because the United States Supreme Court denied an appeal hearing to the Diocese of Bridgeport that the Monday, November 9 status conference in Superior Court in Waterbury, CT that there will be an unobstructed path to the release of documents.
The roots and values of our faith unite us and we can do no less than heed our call to conscience to be vigilantly engaged in this process.
We call upon our fellow Catholics to learn the hard lessons of the past and rise to the call of conscience of our faith.
We call upon the Catholics of Bridgeport to stand in the vanguard of letting the truth be told.
We call on the Catholics of Bridgeport to aid with full full and vigor the healing and support of victims of clergy sexual abuse. Let those who have been shunned be welcomed.
Fresno update
This Court intends to proceed with the processing of this appeal.
Filed September 25, 2009
On July 29,2009 this court filed a letter from counsel for Respondent Howard Santillan that asserts this matter was incorrectly sent to the Fifth District Court of Appeal. Counsel states the case was part of the Clergy Cases III, JCCP No. 4359 & that pursuant to the Order of Coordination issued in the case, the Second Appellate District was to have jurisdiction over any appeals & writs that emanated from the action. He contends the order of coordination & the appellate opinion issued by the Second District Court of Appeal support his position. Counsel has asked this Court ot transfer the Roman Catholic Biship of Fresno's appeal in this case to the Second District Court of Appeal. The Fifth District Court of Appeal has considered these arguments but notes it does not have the authority to order the matter transferred. Accordingly, the request for transfer is denied. This Court intends to proceed with the processing of this appeal. Ag
NEWPORT BEACH -- A retired priest pleaded not guilty today to charges that he molested a young boy at a Costa Mesa church more than 17 years ago.
Denis Lyons, 75, of Seal Beach, who is free on $100,000 bail, was arrested last month at his Leisure World home and accused of molesting the boy when he was a second and third grade student at St. John the Baptist Catholic School between 1992 and 1995.
Lyons, who was removed from ministry in 2002, was a priest at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church during those years.
He faces up to 14 years in prison if convicted of four felony counts of lewd acts on a child under 14, plus a sentencing enhancement that he committed substantial sexual conduct.
On video of DA it says Lyons masturbated the boy twice in the rectory and twice in the sacristy of that church in Costa Mesa.
Superior Court Judge Derek G. Johnson scheduled a pretrial hearing for Denis Lyons on Oct. 2 and a preliminary hearing on Nov. 5.
Ray Higgins calls in from Santa Barbara
We've got now enough for nine or ten more people can get therapy
The trust started about two and a half years ago. It was started when the survivors received their settlements from the Santa Barbara part of Los Angeles diocese and Franciscans
How many settlements? I know of
It was my idea, my wife and I and an accountant friend and two therapists.
I'm the president and of Therapist Trust for Victims of Clergy Sex Abuse
Established right after the settlements,
I formed it before the settlements,
It was funded almost exclusively by victims who had received settlements. The administration expenses of setting it up all paid by my wife and I, so that one hundred percent of the donations can go towards providing therapy.
Raised money mainly from lawyers who handled the cases in Santa Barbara. I was a consultant to those attorneys, and part of the agreement was that when the plaintiffs settled, they would donate to this trust.
Not too many lawyers have consulted
No it was because of my background in fighting for justice for the victims of clergy sex abuse and my knowledge of the catholic Church. Back in the nineties most lawyers didn't know enough about the Catholic Church to do a thorough job of prosecuting a case, because the Archdiocese and the order priests, the provincials, would give them a big snow job about canon law and about the things like the priests are not employees, they're contractors, independent contractors of the Diocese, and all of this stuff. And they’d just snow the attorneys under.
That's how I got into it, when an attorney in Santa Barbara called me and said they needed someone who could give them more of a background on the sex abuse thing.
When we found out that our son had been molested by two Franciscans, then we found out about it in 1992, two other boys who had been molested, told their parents, then they told their parents they were sure that Mike had been molested too, so they got together with him, had him over for dinner, talked to him and he admitted it to them. He had delayed memory on it. He had suppressed the memory of it.
It came up when they were talking about it, that was part of it. the other part was he was afraid to tell us because he was afraid to hurt us, we were such good Catholics and everything.
At the high school seminary in ninth grade St. Anthony’s
We thought it was a good school and it wasn’t our idea, it was his idea. We didn't really like the idea but we thought well if he wanted to go, maybe it’s god’s will. And, you know, the Catholic thing.
1992 HOW OLD?
After these first two young men told their parents, then they told about others who they knew had been molested. Their parents contacted them and through a long process, they got information on about five or six.
The numbers we determined during Board of Inquiry 34 that we found that were molested and there’s a lot more that have come out since then.
He then told us after he admitted it to the others he told us. What happened was there were a number of parents then, about four contacted friends whose children were at the Seminary, the Greater Community, like a parish, went to seminary for Mass, we were very close, we were big sptrs, all of us were big supporters of the seminary, all good friends. Joined a cause and put tremendous pressure on the Franciscans to find out how extensive this was.
We had series of meetings, got a committee together, to force the Franciscans to do something. They didn't have much choice in the matter, although now they'll say they were cooperative about the investigation, it was the pressure on them, not just us, all the members of the Greater Community, who put pressure on the Franciscans. We told them if you don't allow us to do it, fund the investigation, we'll do it ourselves.
They finally agreed to it, and they won’t admit this, but it got out of hand for them, because we found out more than they expected.
We didn't have any idea how extensive the problem was. We knew it was a problem because of the lawsuit in Louisiana
I contacted SNAP, somehow got their name, and Linkup, and I just called everybody I could.
It was a lot harder than it is now, it was by walking and talking, talk to one person, ask for who else to talk to, get more name.
Found out about a case up in Newfoundland, a boys’ school there, their investigation brought down the
Talked to judge and lawyer in Newfoundland
Lousiana talked to Jason Berry, it wasa very cordial conversation. His book had come out maybe six months before. He told me that he was holding his two month baby on his lap while he was talking to me.
I don't remember specific but I had read his book and saw how they fought how the Diocese fought. He inspired me to keep working on this thing
One thing,
The Winter Commission, the first thing he told me was do you have a therapist. And I said no, and he said, well you're going to need one.
He was right.
A few months into the investigation that I went into therapy. I was finding out the horrible consequences of these molestations. They were all so terrible.
What we did, we sent a letter to all of the students who had been at the seminary between 1963 and 1988,
We with all this pressure it was an alumnae list, was only something like 200 or 250 students, we said, there’s a lot more than that. So I put the pressure on them, and I went up there and went through their files, I insisted on going through their files. I spent several weeks up there going through files, getting names and addresses, some were really old addresses.
We sent out something like nine hundred letters, telling them briefly what had happened, asking them to respond.
We knew we weren’t getting all of them, found 34. When we got a clue of
Nine hundred letters out, something like two hundred fifty
We even hired a private investigator further down the line after we began to see the extent of this, the investigator was hired to get a list of names, before there was the internet.
They put in the names of all that we gave them, who we were unable to= the letters that came back, not at this address.
THE Private investigators brought in a whole bunch more, so we then got present address.
I remember one, other victims were pretty sure that this young man had been molested. We couldn't get any response, finally the Private investigator got the address of his mother and he had OD’d on drugs about six weeks before. During the time that we were looking for him.
I couldn't have except for the fact we’d put pressure on the Franciscans and gotten agreements with them that they’d cooperate.
When we started this whole thing, we got the Franciscan provincial to come down and talk to him, and we had a meeting, seventy or so people. All of them outraged and put the pressure to do something. We had two meetings with him, one also with the former rector of the seminary who was close to a lot of the people in this Greater Community.
We said, we're going to set up a committee and have meetings, and determine what we want to do. Somebody said, well you should be the chairman of the committee. We had six or eight meetings once a week in the evenings, maybe twenty people at each meeting. One was a PR consultant, so he would help channel our meeting as a group to the investigation.
The provincial came down with his plan, it was pretty much what we had to follow, but we got concessions that it would not be secret, we’d publish the report, the media would be involved all along. The agreement was that everything would be public except for confidentiality of the victims and the clergy.
They agreed to fund it. I was arguing at that meeting to get a commitment about confidentiality and some other details so that they wouldn't have an out.
I was a business man
The other thing I had just finished a year on the county grand jury in Santa Barbara County, that gave the confidence that I could handle an investigation
That was, it was kind of providential that I had been on that grand jury, I got this experience on investigating the county governments different department.
Know to not be afraid to keep investigating deeper and deeper and how to conduct a meeting to get the information that you want.
One of the members was a lawyer. We set down the criteria for the board, one was a lawyer, who became chairman. The Franciscans specified they didn't want me to be the chairman.
What happened was I became what we called the Coordinator and so I set the agenda for the meetings, we met once a month for two days. We met three days a month. I did most of the legwork. The therapists were busy and the lawyer was busy and I was retired we had a Franciscan priest on the board too. He started out cold and neutral, but when we got into all this really bad stuff, he turned around, he became an advocate.
I followed up by phone and a number of things.
One returned a post card saying he wanted to talk to us, that he’d been molested by this one priest, but then he wouldn't respond any further. Finally I sent a priority mail letter in a big priority mail envelope, and that finally got his attention, that's what made him decide that we were really serious, and wanted to talk to him. He called me early one Sunday morning.
He could hardly speak, talking very quietly so his family wouldn't hear him. It turned out he was planning his suicide at the time we were contacting him, he said my persistence had saved his life. This is how serious that was, the information that we got during that investigation.
We started becoming very proactive from the time that we found out Mike had been molested. We joined Linkup at that time the dominating clergy sex abuse organization. SNAP was kind of in disarray.
They weren’t really doing much in my opinion. If you talk to anyone
Anyway, we got involved with Linkup and went to a lot of their meetings, I did a lot of work
He was planning to move Linkup to the Los Angeles area when he died
He came here a couple times. He was a survivor by a priest up in South Dakota at a Boys’ Ranch He was suing the diocese of South Dakota and the bishop there is now the bishop in Denver, and he of course fought the suit, like all the bishops do.
At one point shortly after Tom Economus died I got a donation of a hundred thousand dollars for Linkup, and that kept them going for five or six years
He was a nice sense of humor and he was extremely good in interviews with the media. But he was too much of a one-man operation, so then when he
The board left everything up to him, so when he died, there wasn’t anybody to take over.
There were problems with the family and the board, the files, they didn't keep the phone number, so when reporters would call, they wouldn't get an answer. You know how reporters are, if they don't hear from you, they stop calling.
Dallas for three victims 115 million dollars we had a Linkup meeting there and one of the speakers was a mother of one who settled, the young man was maybe 18 or 19 and she was going on and on and on about how he had to get back in the church and go to Communion and the Holy Eucharist is your way to heal. And here’s this, it would have been okay, but here’s her son right there sitting next to her and you could see he was in such pain with her talking that way that it was certainly not anything
Found Linkup through the mother and father or the original two boys that came forward.
These are not hour typical joe sixpack, they're thinkers, college educated, the type of individual who is not just a pew sitter who
That's why we went to seminary not a parish, because we wanted to be active and do what they wanted to do, and the Franciscans
That's why these people were going to the seminary because they were going there because they were independent thinkers.
IT was a terrific group.
It’s just too bad that it was run by a corrupt organization.
Not active as a group, there are a few of us who get together about once a month for breakfast on Sunday mornings, but we have others who we know from the seminary that we're friends
No, we've - that same group, some of the group still meets at the seminary on Sundays.
I make sure I tell everybody that I'm not a Catholic. Don't go to another church.
Yes, I miss the social interaction. We found other ways of being spiritual, and socially active. We've gotten on with our lives. We consider ourselves as having been brainwashed from the time we were infants.
We started January 1993 and put out the report in November 1993. We knew that it wasn’t complete at that time but we needed to put an end to it, and we recommended that they have a follow-on committee that would take over after we disbanded.
There was quite a bit of local news coverage, when we released the report, the Franciscans delayed it for a month to make some changes. They were claiming that it was too transparent, that it was not confidential enough, people could figure out cases, they delayed it and that turned out to be providential.
Because at the time that we released it, was the time that the district attorney in Santa Barbara county was having grand jury meetings to indict Michael Jackson, so all of the media was here from all over the understand was in Santa Barbara. So when I sent out the press release to the Los Angeles media, they were all sitting here in Santa Barbara iat the courthouse waiting for something to happen, and they get this press release, and it was like a presidential press conference with about fifteen microphones. And the Franciscans were furious.
The only thing was Santa Barbara was too isolated, and it wasn’t
They had been stalling because it wasn’t confidential enough. We had case number one and victim number one and the perpetrator was Letter A and down the line and they said you can put that together and figure out who it was. They didn't want it to be able to
We had to change it, we ended up doing it a compilation of several cases, which were circumstances all jumbled together and it actually told a better story. We condensed 25 pages, which was too much for a person to read, down to eight pages, which made it a lot more dramatic, so they cooked their goose in that way too.
I tell you my take on it. They can afford, the Franciscans and the diocese can afford to pay lawyers to keep on working on this forever. And the lawyers for the plaintiffs have limited funds, and so eventually they will have to just give up and then everything will just die down, and they won’t have to release those documents even though they had promised they would in the settlement.
The settlement was a court document
SNAP very cordial, I had no idea what the size of the organization was, but I was pleased that the person who answered the phone was Barbara Blaine. She gave me a lot of insight on the whole problem and that sort of thing. I didn't know CLohessy him at the time, I didn't know him, didn't hear about him, until Barbara Blaine dropped out and went to law school and then Clohessy took over, and he was the head of SNAP for several years, and she got back into it full time, around the time of Boston. She went to work for the Cook County and then she was kind of somewhat active, but Clohessy was still the head of it. Then when the Boston thing got, I guess they got money from attorneys and
1992, she was in Chicago also.
I would like to have you stress the therapy trust, I think you have the
Santa Barbara independent newspaper article, tells the money is available and it’s pretty much still the same as it was before, and all of the money that's donated goes all the expenses of trust paid by volunteers.
The terms of the trust is we can only invest in FDIC insured accounts, not bonds or stocks or any risk investments.
Three of the men arrested this week were members of the Community of Christ lay priesthood: Burrell Mohler Sr., David Mohler and Jared Mohler.
The priesthood licenses of all three were suspended Wednesday morning, said Linda Booth, church communications director.
“None of the three had any leadership roles, nor did they have any active roles as volunteers with children or youth,” she said.
A main cause of the problem is here: “The cases settled on May 25, 2006, without ny finding of fact on the plaintiffs’ allegations by the court.” Quote is from a brief filed October 27, 2009, by attorneys for the six Franciscan brothers proved to be pedophiles, now pursuing every avenue possible in the courts to prevent release of personnel files on those priests. If this story sounds familiar it’s because last April we covered hearings and rulings “that the files were to be publicly released (JA0270-374) following interlocutory rulings on the issues of privacy and jurisdiction,” quote the same brief filed for the perpetrators. Even when they know the court has made its decision, the arguments have all been made, the church keeps going and going with appeals, its attorneys digging again into the Church’s bottomless briefcase of cash, endless electronic transfers into lawyers’ accounts.
“Applicants seek relief from the order releasing their private and privileged records to the public.”
Attorney for the plaintiffs in Santa Barbara explained, “The next thing is we file our responses, then they file replies, then oral argument, probably sometime in spring or summer.”
More from the perpetrators’ appeal:
“All of these appellants have a direct right to appeal given the res judicata impact of the court’s ruling on their protected interests.”
“APPELLANTS WHO were not parties to the litigation…” ? who do they mean?
“Plaintiffs in these consolidated cases filed, and later settled, civil lawsuits against the Franciscan Friars of California, St. Anthony’s Seminary high school, and the Santa Barbara Boys’ Choir, alleging that they had been sexually abused while attending these institutions.
Appellants are:
Samuel Charles Cabot
David Johnson
Robert Van Handel
Vario Cimmarusti
Gus Krumm
Gary Pacheco
Franciscans or former Franciscans
The cases settled May 25, 2006 “without any finding of fact on the plaintiffs’ allegations by the court.”
(Court designated Lichtman the hearing officer. He spent three years reviewing documents, issued his orders.
“None of the appellants were served with this application.” In other words since it was the Franciscans who were sued, and these six guys are ex-Franciscan priests who were perpetrators and caused the lawsuits, the priests themselves aren’t really parties to the lawsuits, so they weren’t part of the settlement, so they can refuse to go along with the settlement agreement to release records.
See how they twist things around and use circular logic. This is a lot like the argument that appears on practically every appeal brief I’ve seen written by a church attorney:
The cases are settled, so there is no more case. The cases were settled without going to court, so there really is no admission of guilt or responsibility. The Church has just been giving away gazillions of dollars out of the goodness of its heart.
The church attorneys claim that during the litigation before 2006, Judge Lichtman reviewed the files and “privacy objections by individual clergy members who were the subject of the personnel and confidential files were overruled given the compelling state interest in settlement.”
NO, that's not the reason privacy objections were overruled, it was because of the compelling state interest in protecting children.
“On November 7, 2005, the cases were released from the stay and all documents that had been deposited in the document depository.
The document depository was only accessible by the parties to the case. Depositions taken in the case were also the subject of a protective order.
Here’s where you see the Church’s strategy:
The Church agrees to release documents that “would have been subject to discovery obligations in the litigation of THE ACTIONS.”
“No third party privacy rights could be claimed by the Franciscans on documents deemed to affect ‘public safety issues relating to childhood sexual abuse’ or knowledge on the part of defendants of suspected childhood sexual abuse or the ‘cover up’ thereof.”
“Third party objections including those asserted by any defendant who is also an ALLEGED PERPETRATOR, are not bound by this contractual standard.”
“As such the Agreement between the parties to allow the hearing officer to consider ‘public interests’
does not apply to any objection raised by individual applicants.”
The perpetrators were Franciscan Friars, but they aren’t anymore and the party of the lawsuit was the Franciscans, so rulings on the lawsuit don't apply to the perpetrators.
Welcome to the world of Catholic Church abuse of the civil justice system.
More from the Perpetrators’ Brief, appealing release of documents for six Franciscan Friars who are also known pedophiles.
(NOTE: Several of these six perpetrators are living and working in communities around the country now. We have last known addresses, but since this litigation, most of these perpetrators have … just disappeared.)
“Ruling with respect to non-parties is therefore confined to the standard of the Civil Discovery Act.”
“Both the Franciscans and these appellants advised the hearing officer (that) their vows of poverty and vows of obedience left them no choice but to participate in psychotherapy if ordered to their superiors.
“Their treaters had requested Franciscans’ input and oversight and ongoing consultation regarding the progress of these Friars.”
April 2, 2009, appellants’ privilege objections were overruled and the documents ordered to be publicly released.
The April 2, 2009, order overruled these appellants’ objections based on privacy.
“The psychotherapist-patient and physician-patient privilege objections were overruled on the ground
Because the information in the files is not “ in rendering psychotherapy or treatment”
The individuals knew the information was being released to the Franciscans.
IN May 2009 the perpetrator priests appealed, “Expressly for the technical purpose of being added as parties to the litigation for purpose of appeal.”
“Appellants moved to set aside the April 2 2009 order
“In an abundance of caution and despite their direct appeal rights, specifically to be added as parties to the proceeding in order to eliminate a technical and procedural issue on appeal.
Appellants filed their notice of appeal on May 26, 2009.
(Okay, call me Scoop again. I thought this October document was the notice of appeal. Well it’s the first I realized what was happening, and I’m figuring this out as I go along, have been since January 2007.)
Any person having an interest recognized by law may appeal.
“The test in this regard is whether the party seeking to appeal has an interest that appears on the record.”
(Well these perpetrator priests sure have gotten their interests on the record in the last three years.)
Here is the privacy issues and interests of the “appellants.”
“They are all named as ‘alleged perpetrators’ in the plaintiffs’ complaints.
“They filed various objections to the release of their personnel filesduring the course of the litigation.”
“And again after the litigation was settled.”
They appeared at court ordered hearings relating to their objections.
“Their constitutional rights to privacy and enforcement of various privileges relating to highly personal and private records.”
(I.E., they think their pedophilia is private.)
“Privacy and privilege describe rights which require resolution of fact by trial.”
(I.E., these cases settled pre-trial, nothing has been proved.)
The writings in personnel files are a property right. (Honest, they are bringing that one out again.)
Church claims a “procedural interest” a “Question of Jurisdiction to decide these constitutional and other rights”
The Court Orders “Automatically deprived” the appellants of their “Substantive and procedural interests in their constitutional rights to privacy.”
We're talking about the details of pedophilia taking place at a high school seminary in Santa Barbara where serial perpetrators molested dozens of children.
And they have all the money and power, so they'll probably win, such is justice in the United States today.
There’s been no comment from Wisconsin, everything in the Grand Jury [ROOM TONE] that I said was true.
They're arrogant, because they're hiding behind the law.
The clergy
What I see is as long as they can keep that person from coming forward until the statute of limitations exprires, they'll deny deny deny and then only when certain things can be proven, then they'll admit bits and pieces.
Misrepresent themselves to get past the clergy abuse issue.
What about the people’s lives they destroyed.
They offered him $50 thousand dollars
First of all their sympathy would have no meaning to me, it has no effects.
My neighbors are sympathetic can’t believe it’s happened.
There are comments on the story at the website on the story
What's going to happen is December the 1st 12 thousand pages of documents being released in Connecticut.
First of all you're never going to change a certain generation who are still going to church now, I don't care what you show them, they're not going to changed. It’s my generation educated and the new generation that aren’t going to accept whatever the church says.
What they're looking for now is to appeal to the immigrants because they're uneducated and their easy to control.
Other than that coming out. I'm composing an email I'm going to send everyone in the Pennsylvania Legislature asking them to open up a window like California and Delaware
The church uses its money to block legislation
The church legislature lawmakers and police department they're in deep
The founding fathers and the separation of church and state, now I know why.
It provided new time frame for some victims, did nothing for those that had been abused from the date of Grand Jury so really didn't do anything.
A window would like in California say, we're not able to file criminal, but we're going to provide opportunity to sit in court
November 30th 2006
Pennsylvania changed reporting from 18 to 35 but didn't do anything for those who were in the Grand Jury - provided an escape for the perpetrators. Removed the liability off Church to deal
My son died the day they passed that law.
He was struggling to stay
There isn’t a day that my mind isn’t racing, how I’d like to get my hands on the pope, on Bevalaqua and Zacck and hobby that other creep Jennifer Reed
How they desecrated him as a human being, and this kid didn't do nothing
It’s an accepted to do business, if we do salvation, somebody’s kid has got to suffer.
OH MY GOD IT”S # years ago today
I don't have my son anymore why. He died because somebody took advantage of him who claimed to represent God.
they're indifferent
You know what, what they do is first of all they can’t talk to me, because there’s nothing they can say to me, they can’t tell me they're sorry because they don't know what I'm going through and I'm not interested in rhetorical statements.
Victim Assistance Coordinator Karen Becker keeps asking me how I'm doing and I say to her, what do you mean how am I doing, I don't have my son,
That's a joke too. How can you be a coordinator working for the perpetrators. You work within the framework they give you.
The first Friday every month I go to a vigil in front of the Archdiocese and stand there with a picture of my son and on the bottom of it is picture Newman and Horwitz
Probably three years
I got disgusted because I went to the Archdiocese with my son and I told them, I met Frick and Hagner then (MARTIN AND LOUISE)
This kid couldn't even walk, we went kin there and poured our hearts out, I said, you broke him, you fix him
Can’t help me because he’s not Roman Catholic he’s a Franciscan.
They're liars, they scheme. They stand with a cross around their neck and they look at you and they lie. I don't understand it, are they twisted mentally. I mean they know they're going to die. Who do you think what's waiting for them.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia building, old musty smelling building with a lot of dark wood and dirty old worn out rugs. He was sick as a dog from opiate dependency.
Newman was giving my son Oxycontin when he was fourteen.
HE went to an NA meeting
Somebody he knew
It’s an apartment
Orange ten stucco with orange tudor wood trimming, Camden, New Jersey. Maybe about fifteen twenty minutes
It’s a wide street, four cars across, dirty, old dilapidated buildings a slum
It’s an apartment building, I’ve never been in that particular one, but all the time around the neighborhood.
Sudden Death, he had an adverse reaction to whatever he put in his body. To Fentanyl
People that are responsibility for this kid’s conduct and lifestyle is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the Pope and everybody else associated with that.
What infuriates me is this guy Dolan tries to lessen the responsibility
There’s a
CNN the other night it illustrated clearly the conduct of the church. This guy got her pregnant twice, first a miscarriage, now 22 year old son dying of cancer, she’s dying of cancer too and she wants to have the kid taken care of.
Philadelphia Enquirer is run by john Tierney, used to be the public relations guy for the Archdiocese.
Editor, the big
I got emails from other people abused by clergy. I haven’t verified it but this one kid got in touch with me, and told me his father who had worked in the Archdiocese, told about Newman and Horwitz 20 years ago, I gotta go get this guy and get a statement from him as soon as I can.
Yeah and I hate
It’s a designer drug made by a guy, some doctor that worked with Dupont, many-many years ago.
They use it to cut morphine, the undocumented pharmacists
Detail for last pope
He’s the pope
Now I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire
Still work in law enforcement
He ate his dinner he got washed he looked good, he was smiling, I’ll never forget his face.
I was upstairs to check on him, see how he was doing,
Listen I love my kids and there was no reason for them to do this to me. Not only did they take my money on a regular base for donation, they also took my kid’s life. And I don't know how they can go to bed at night and put their head down on the pillow and sleep, knowing what they know. There’s gotta be
ThEY ALL KNOW WHAT THEY'RE ABOUT AND WHAT THEY DO and they continue to protect them, I'm talking about the legislators. The government should step in and open the window, make it
It’s open season on these scumbags.
Don't look at me, look at them, they're doing it as much as we are.
THAT doesn't negate the fact you're doing it, so that to me, what you're saying is that's even more of a reason to open up a law and opinion a window, to get everybody. Not just one particular
So we can find out how many there really are.
She rebutted Donahue and his statements that she said, the Franciscans weren’t doing what they were supposed to be doing. She was very clear and convincing that this is an ongoing problem within the Church.
On November 18, 2009
Lee Podles, author and Bishop Accountability board memter wrote this:
"The bishops say they have changed, but the bishops also assured us there was no problem to begin with. I do not believe any fact that a bishop asserts until I have verified it."